Divers, Help Stop The Spread of Quagga and Zebramussels

Diving gear is a proven means of spreading invasive species, including quagga and zebramussels since divers swim in ideal mussel habitat and easily pick up larvae and juveniles.
To help combat the issue thoroughly wash everything inside and out to remove dirt, plants and other visible substances. This includes masks, wetsuits, booties and gloves. Also wash Buoyancy Control Device, cylinders, regulators, instruments, and fins. Anything that was wet!
Finally, soak all equipment in a bucket or bathtub full of hot water from your house, allowing sufficient soaking time for all components to reach the water temperature. Repeat the soak with fresh hot water. Completely dry all equipment, ideally in sunlight, it’s worth it.
Dive centers might consider providing dip tanks filled with safe mussel-killing solutions. See the description below.  Individual divers might also use such solutions instead of hot water.

An effective mussel-killing solution — is two gallons of a 200 parts per million(ppm) solution of Potassium Chloride (KCL). Despite the fact that it will kill mussels, this solution is harmless to humans and to the environment. Potassium Chloride also has extremely low corrosion characteristics and has been used in the oil well drilling industry for decades due to these characteristics.  
A chloride concentration of 250 ppm is allowable for drinking water and the solution is below that level.
Potassium Chloride salt crystals are used in water softener systems; people drink and bath in such water

Potassium chloride (KCL) solutions in concentrations of 200 ppm can be made by thoroughly mixing one teaspoon of dry KCL salt crystals in two gallons of water. KCL salt crystals are available at stores such as Home Depot and water softener suppliers. Morton Salt Company offers KCL in 40-pound bags.

Do NOT use any other kind of salt or solution.

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