Tony Grove

Longitude / Latitude 41°53'25"N 111°38'25"W

Tony Grove Lake is a small, glacial lake in the Bear River Range in extreme northern Utah. The reservoir shoreline is 100% publicly owned by the Wasatch-Cache National Forest. Public access is unrestricted.

 Getting There
Tony Grove Lake is accessible from US-89 in Logan Canyon. The turnoff is at the Tony Grove Guard Station, 22 miles northeast of downtown Logan and 17 miles west of Garden City. Follow a gravel road (FS-003) for about
eight miles to the lake. The route is well marked.

Tony Grove Campground, administered by the Forest Service, has 37 campsites, a swimming area, running water, and primitive latrines.

 Lake Info
Elevation 8,043 (feet)
Depth (feet) 36 maximum  13 mean
Length 2,187 (feet)  Width 781 (feet) Shoreline 5,360 (feet)
Visibility: 15-20 feet
Summer Water Temperature: 65-70 °F
Aquatic life: Rainbow and albino rainbow trout.

One thought on “Tony Grove

  1. Jerry A Farkas Jr

    WanderWulf – DM out of Bountiful.
    Dove the Grove today, Sept 22 2018.
    Weedy 30-40 feet out from shore, stays shallow until about then too. Then drops down deeper. Vis was good down to 17-18 feet, then got less/darker as you went deeper. Around 21-23ft deep vis dropped to 1-2 ft, around 26ft deep turned black. Around 30ft deep it was like going into a cave with no light black. Temp was about 52deg at 21-23 ft deep but at 30 dropped to 45deg. I had 7mm coverage so i was ok, but we had one diver with 5mm and no hood who had a bad headache from the cold and exited. I spent about 90 minutes between 2 tanks in the water, the shallower areas were interesting with plants, fish and fishing gear to be collected.

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