Causey Reservoir

Spearfishing Permitted
Longitude / Latitude 41°17'55"N 111°35'17"W
Dive flag is required since motorized watercraft is allowed on this reservoir.

Causey Reservoir is located on the South Fork of the Ogden River above Huntsville. It is one of the most scenic and beautiful reservoirs in Utah. The reservoir is nestled in steep valley terrain the main body branching into three distinct canyons.

Getting There
Causey Reservoir is east of Ogden in Ogden Canyon. Travel on U-39 up Ogden Canyon to Huntsville, and continue for eight more miles to a turnoff on the right. Follow this improved gravel road for two miles to the reservoir. The turnoff should be well marked, as there is a Boy Scout Camp on the north arm of the reservoir. Access to the reservoir is limited, as some portions of the shore are privately owned, restricting land access to most of the reservoir.

The Forest Service once maintained latrines at the reservoir, but they have fallen victim to vandals. A Weber County Park is located just below the dam, with drinking water, camping, and latrines.

Lake Info
Elevation (feet) 5692
Depth (feet) maximum 182 mean 65
Length (miles) 2.5 Width (feet) 469 Shoreline (miles) 7.3
Visibility: 12-15 feet
Summer Water Temperature °F
Aquatic life: Rainbow and cutthroat trout

20 thoughts on “Causey Reservoir

    1. admin Post author

      We haven’t had any divers report water temperature lately.
      As for cliff jumping, it is not our place to dermine the risk of cliff diving. Each individual will have to weigh that risk themselves.

  1. Joseph Illingworth

    In the area where people go cliff jumping, do you know how deep it is? I’m debating whether or not I can just freedive that area. Going to be looking for GoPros phones sunglasses excetera after the holiday. Also, how is the visibility in that area? If you know

  2. Josh

    What the depth by the cliffs where everyone jumps, I would estimate that it’s not crazy deep since we’ve been in a drought.

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