Google Earth Goes Back and Below

With Google Earth 5.0, you can now travel back in time to see historical imagery, dive below the surface of the ocean and record a tour of your journeys.
Not as cool as doing it live, but hey when you’re snowed in or can’t get to a warm body of water you can always travel and dream with the next best thing.
You can add some cool add-ons to make cyber dives way fun.
Alvin submersible dives to illustrate your next deep-sea mission. The .kml file will let you
pinpoint each of nearly 5000 deep-sea dives around the world. Very sophisticated. This and
other files are hosted by digital Mecca MGDS. You can explore.
Shipwrecks – The doubloons. We’re not talkingBenjamins. We’re talking
sunken treasure. Look for gold among 1000+ European shipwrecks off the coast of France in the hot-links over at Just Magic. Its just sitting there waiting for you.

How about the bottom contours of Lake Tahoe?

More way to make Google Ocean a blast can be found at Deep Sea News

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